The fireplace surrounded by cooking utensils.


A detailed replica of a traditional farmers’ wedding dress.


Brightly colored textiles from Korsnäs.


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The Hired Hand's Cottage

The main room is the most prominent room of the cottage. Local painters did the paint work, such as the hand-painted and stenciled wallpaper. The main room recreates the interior of a farmhouse from the first decades of the 20th century. The room is dominated by the open fireplace, surrounded by a collection of pots and pans, as well as other items used in old-time cooking. It accommodates a set of bunk beds with a shelf for plates at one end, wall-mounted benches, a long table, and wooden beams in the ceiling with shelves and bread spits.

The textile chamber houses an extensive collection of woven throws and bed textiles. Everything related to the traditional dress, such as skirts, vests, and scarves, are richly represented, showing the variety of color in weaving art in Korsnäs. Also on display are different tools necessary for the textile craft, such as spinning wheels and carding brushes.